Six veterans of the Second Battle of Yeonpyeong throw a special professional baseball first pitch on Memorial Day

Vice Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Lee Hee-wan throwing the first pitch Veterans of the Second Battle of Yeonpyeong, including Vice Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Lee Hee-wan, threw out the first pitch of a professional baseball game on Memorial Day. Six veterans of the Second Battle of Yeonpyeong, including Vice Minister Lee …

Kim Yeon-kyung returns the Taegeuk mark, rich events Nmix cheering performance

Volleyball Empress Kim Yeon-kyung Abundant events will be held at Kim Yeon-kyung’s (Heungkuk Life Insurance) national team retirement game and the World Women’s Volleyball All-Star Game. Ryan At Co., Ltd. and Next Creative Co., Ltd., co-organizers of the competition, announced on the 6th, “Singers Tay and Kyubin will perform in celebration at the national team …