LG Innotek looks to take on sensor market with advanced LiDAR

LG Innotek employees pose with the company’s new LiDAR sensing component for vehicles, Sunday. Courtesy of LG Innotek

LG Innotek has developed high-performance light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensors — an emerging piece of tech used by self-driving cars — as a way to improve its presence in the global advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) market, the company said Sunday.LiDAR is a sensing component that shoots infrared light at an object and measures the time it takes for it to bounce back, thereby allowing vehicles to gain a three-dimensional picture of objects aroud them.This sensing product is becoming an increasingly crucial component in ADAS, which is essential for self-driving cars, and the industry view is that the number of LiDARs required per vehicle will significantly increase as the stages of autonomous driving advance.

The company said its new product can detect objects up to 250 meters away, adding that the detection distance in adverse weather conditions has been tripled compared to existing products.”LG Innotek’s high-performance LiDAR can accurately detect the movement of a person 45 meters away even in severe fog conditions with a visibility of 2 meters. This is a significant improvement compared to the existing products that can only detect movement up to 15 meters away under the same weather conditions,” the company said.The company added that increasing the detection distance allows for a longer braking distance, enabling autonomous vehicles equipped with the high-performance LiDAR to drive at speeds of up to 90 kilometers per hour.

With this new product, LG Innotek, the global leader in the smartphone camera module market, aims to become the global leader in this sensing market, leveraging its optical business capabilities.“We will extend our world-leading DNA in smartphone camera modules to automotive sensing solutions to create differentiated customer value,” LG Innotek CEO Moon Hyuk-soo said. “We will grow our ADAS sensing solution business ranging from camera modules, LiDAR and radar, to become the global leader.”The global LiDAR market for self-driving cars is forecast to grow rapidly to $11.2 billion in 2030, from $2.1 billion in 2025, according to global market research firm Yole Intelligence. Especially as the stages of autonomous driving advance, the demand for LiDAR is also expected to increase rapidly, reaching $17.5 billion by 스포츠토토존 2032.

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